Category: Indoor Gardening

Learn about the most interesting topics regarding Indoor Gardening and how it is crucial to provide the plants with sufficient light. When it is not possible or the winter are long and you can see the condition of your plants getting worse day after day, then it is time for a plant lighting solution.

Brought to you by excite LED – expert in plant and light sciences.

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Finding a space for your indoor garden

Growing an indoor garden is fun and rewarding. Looking at the fresh growth and flower can uplift your mood and spirit every day. One major question is; where can I grow an indoor garden? Many of us live in urban environments with limited space, so our windows may already be full or unsuitable for keeping […]

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Merits of Indoor Gardening (Part 1 of 3)

Growing Indoors We all appreciate the character, colour and invigorating qualities that plants add to your home or working space. Seeing the fresh growth and flowers of your plants fills you with feelings of vitality. The scent of fresh air or flowers enters your nose and you are transported to the wilds, all in the […]

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Merits of Indoor Gardening (Part 2 of 3)

Getting Started. They always say it’s the first step that’s the hardest. However, it’s important to realise that indoor gardening is not at all as complicated as it seems. In fact, it’s remarkably easy to start and maintain a successful indoor garden: and a greenhouse is not necessary! Figure out how much space you want […]

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Merits of Indoor Gardening (Part 3 of 3)

Water and Fertilizer. Indoor plants need water and nutrients to grow and produce flowers and fruit. Depending on what growing medium you use, your watering quantity and schedule will be different. Plants grown in containers dry out more quickly and need more watering, and all containers, whether they contain soil or not, should have drainage […]

CONTINUE READING Merits of Indoor Gardening (Part 3 of 3) 4 min read